About daniellecrocker1

Hello, My name is Danielle and I am in my third year of studying a Bachelor of Education, Health and Physical Education, at the University of Southern Queensland. From an early age I have had a passion for sport and physical activity, recognising the important role health and wellbeing plays in leading a satisfying and prosperous life. I am a active person who enjoys many forms of physical activity and spending quality time with my family and friends. I realise the important role information and communication technology (ICT) plays in our lives. From a teaching perspective this has opened up new learning opportunities which can allow students to globally collaborate on projects and learn from one another. I believe ICT's have a positive impact on students, allowing teachers to provide relevant learning experiences which will enable students to become lifelong learners equipped to function capably in society. I looking forward to my journey of developing and integrating ICT's into my teaching to enable me to become a better and more relevant teacher. Cheers, Danielle

It’s been challenging but fun

I have to admit at the start of this course I was daunted by the amount of work required. For someone who hadn’t really use ICTs to their full potential I found the start of the course an information overload. However, just like Jesse in his blog, looking back now I do see the benefits of this course.

Previously, I thought that ICT integration was using a PowerPoint and getting students to research on the net and yes while this is part of it, it is so much more. I really appreciate the RAT framework. It has gotten me to question the use of ICTs in the classroom and aim to integrate ICTs that Amplify and Transform learning. This is one of the key learnings I will take away from the course. I realise now it’s not about the technology you use it’s about how you use the technology. Its been a pleasure writing this blog and my hope for the future is to keep improving and building upon my ICT knowledge and use in the classroom.

Until next time.


After each lesson taught we were supposed to reflect on our lesson. At the start of prac I did this however, towards the end I barely did. I know the benefits of reflecting however this was not something I made time for. I am not really sure why. I agree that teachers need to continually reflect to improve practice.

However, I did think about the lesson in my head and come up with ways to improve the lesson I just didn’t physically write a reflection most of the time. Now when it comes to writing my reflection for AS3 I’ve forgotten most of my important points. In future I will be sure to consistently reflect on my lesson, even if its only a few dot points at the start and then going back and writing a more in depth reflection when I have more time.

Done and Dusted

I’ve finally finished prac placement. I just have assignment 3 left to hand in as I was given an extension. There was a lot I learnt on prac particularly with ICTs. My two key learning’s areL

1) Your best laid plans don’t always work out. I had a lesson that relied heavily on ICTs only to find out at the start of the lesson that the internet connection wasn’t working or was really slow. Therefore I was unable to use it. I was in a panic as I did not have a back up plan.

2) Some teachers do not like using ICTs. It is hard when your mentor isn’t a fan of using ICTs. Therefore, much of my ICT integration was at the Replacement level of the RAT framework. However, I am aware of this and will seek on my next placement to use ICTs that Amplify and Transform learning.

This week learning path introduced the CLEM Framework.

C = Community

Many ICTs utilised in teaching and learning have communities of people using the same ICT. These communities can provide knowledge, resources and strategies to use the ICT effectively.

L = Literature

Many ICTs utilised in teaching and learning have been subjected to academic research. This can provide useful information on the ICT, detailing what works and common issues surround the use of a particular ICT.

E = Examples

Examples of similar use of ICTs can provide inspiration for lessons. These examples can allow you to analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of their ICT example.

M = Models

All ICTs are designed with a particular model embedded into the ICT. Understanding this model and the theory behind it can ensure integration of ICTs is simpler and effective.

Both Jaime and Hayden provide further insight into this framework in their blog posts, be sure to check it out.

Improvising Doesn’t Always Work

Today I had a terrifying experience with ICTs. I was doing a lesson on advertising appeals used by advertisement companies. This includes things such as sexual appeal and environmental appeal etc. For further information click here. In this lesson I showed students a YouTube clip, once it had finished it automatically brought up a new clip entitled Worst Photoshop Fails. The students were so interested in watching it that I told them if they well behaved and got through all of the lesson content we could watch the video at the end.


Rookie error. Anyway the students were well behaved so at the end of the lesson we started watching the clip. The first photo shop fail was from a magazine cover which pictured a women topless. Her breast were covered but the commentators preceded to talk about how her nipple had been photo shopped out. I almost died of horror. Well I didn’t need to stress because nothing explicit or inappropriate was shown but it has scared me enough to know that I will never, ever play a clip or video that I have not watched prior.

Overhead Projector?!


Last week I began my practical placement at a high school. The first day my mentor teacher was away and I followed relief teachers around. In my mentor’s classroom I noticed there was an overhead projector which was plugged in.

I thought it was some kind of joke, I didn’t even know schools still had overhead projectors, little own used them.

The classroom is equipped with an overhead projector and an interactive whiteboard but I soon discovered the teacher preferred overheads. In my lessons I use the overhead projector to display my PowerPoint slides and videos, this approach falls under the Replacement category of the RAT Framework. I am aware of this and would like to change it but I don’t have the time in three weeks to change my mentors perceptions to ICTs. All I can do is reflect on the lessons and how if I had the chance would incorporate ICTs. Conversely, Carlee a fellow student, has had a very different experience with her learning new ICTs in her prac such as Cite This For Me which assists with referencing. I enjoy reading about other students experiences and I am able to pick up tips from them. I am not off to try out the Cite This For Me site, if only I had know it existed during my first year of university!

Are students not Connect.ed to each other in the real world…Pls I don’t no wot ur tlkin bout!

At the start of the course I wrote a blog post asking the question…

 Is technology making use anti-social?

And I came to the conclusion… no, it just alters the way we interact with each other.

However when completing my Connect.ed modules one of the speakers mentions that people are so use to interacting with each other online that they don’t know how to interact with each other face to face. This might be true… there are some people I may comment on their  photo or like their status on Facebook but I would not talk to them in the real world. This article “Technology is Destroying the Quality of Education” provides an interesting perspective. So does this article. So is technology making us anti-social in the real world… in some aspects maybe.

Additionally, Jaime makes a point in her blog that English skills may be decreasing thanks to the use abbreviations and slang words many student use whilst communicating through ICTs. Pls I don’t no wot ur tlkin bout!

Being able to write, form and maintain friends are basic skills that students will need for the 21st Century workplace… What can we do, as educators to ensure student have these skills… I am interested in hearing your thoughts.

What if a school doesn’t have many ICTs?

During this weeks learning path we have been learning about an ICT framework called Technology Integration Framework or TIP. The TIP model is a circular process which has five factors you need to consider when integrating ICTs.

One of these points is

Organising the learning environment to enable strategies to work

Ellen raises a good point in her blog by saying it is important to contact the school prior to identify the types of ICTs available. But it got me thinking how do we organise the learning environment if there is not many ICTS. Will I fail my prac because I cannot use ICTs… whilst the learning path has assured me that this will not be the case it is clear I always need to have a backup plan.

If the school doesn’t many ICTs what are my options?!

I thought a pertinent point raised throughout the learning path was not all students have to be using the same ICT at the same time. You could easily do activity stations where only one of the stations has ICTs.. such a simple idea but something I have never thought of.

Prac Checklist

Practical placement is coming up in less than two weeks. Whilst excited I am also filled with a sense of DREAD…

Will the students like me?

Will my prac teacher be nice?

The thoughts running through my head are endless.

In order to calm my nerves I’ve complied a professional experience checklist of things I would like to achieve, find out or improve on my placement.

1) Be a reflective practitioner… they always say the best teachers are those who reflect and improve on their lessons. I think my reflection has always been superficial or I haven’t done it. So I am aiming to do this after every lesson I deliver.

2) Contact my mentor (once I know where I am going, hopefully that is soon) to find out classroom demographics, ICTs available, themes of the semester, class routines and management strategies.

3) Research school – something Jaime and Lauren has highlighted in her post . Find out its demographic and review its ICTs and cyberbullying polices.

4) Continue to freak out

Cyberbullying Training

So I complete an online training from Cyberbullying available here. I am glad to say it didn’t take the 6 hours suggested. Like Mariana and Alice, I found lots of useful information and resources.

The most penitent thing that stood out to me was having a whole school approach. schools need to include students in construction of policies or be involved in cyberbullying week this way students are more inclined to use responsible and appropriate behaviour online. Additionally, involving the parents is very important. They should be interested and need to know what their children are up to online. Lastly, teachers need to be aware of their schools policies. Something I have never look at on any of my prac placements. This is something I will defiantly look at in my up coming placement.

After completing the course you get a certificate which is great for my portfolio.

Cybersmart Outreach Program Certificate