Overhead Projector?!


Last week I began my practical placement at a high school. The first day my mentor teacher was away and I followed relief teachers around. In my mentor’s classroom I noticed there was an overhead projector which was plugged in.

I thought it was some kind of joke, I didn’t even know schools still had overhead projectors, little own used them.

The classroom is equipped with an overhead projector and an interactive whiteboard but I soon discovered the teacher preferred overheads. In my lessons I use the overhead projector to display my PowerPoint slides and videos, this approach falls under the Replacement category of the RAT Framework. I am aware of this and would like to change it but I don’t have the time in three weeks to change my mentors perceptions to ICTs. All I can do is reflect on the lessons and how if I had the chance would incorporate ICTs. Conversely, Carlee a fellow student, has had a very different experience with her learning new ICTs in her prac such as Cite This For Me which assists with referencing. I enjoy reading about other students experiences and I am able to pick up tips from them. I am not off to try out the Cite This For Me site, if only I had know it existed during my first year of university!

1 thought on “Overhead Projector?!

  1. Pingback: Overhead Projectors? ..really..? | jesseluque

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