Are students not Connect.ed to each other in the real world…Pls I don’t no wot ur tlkin bout!

At the start of the course I wrote a blog post asking the question…

 Is technology making use anti-social?

And I came to the conclusion… no, it just alters the way we interact with each other.

However when completing my Connect.ed modules one of the speakers mentions that people are so use to interacting with each other online that they don’t know how to interact with each other face to face. This might be true… there are some people I may comment on their  photo or like their status on Facebook but I would not talk to them in the real world. This article “Technology is Destroying the Quality of Education” provides an interesting perspective. So does this article. So is technology making us anti-social in the real world… in some aspects maybe.

Additionally, Jaime makes a point in her blog that English skills may be decreasing thanks to the use abbreviations and slang words many student use whilst communicating through ICTs. Pls I don’t no wot ur tlkin bout!

Being able to write, form and maintain friends are basic skills that students will need for the 21st Century workplace… What can we do, as educators to ensure student have these skills… I am interested in hearing your thoughts.

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