About daniellecrocker1

Hello, My name is Danielle and I am in my third year of studying a Bachelor of Education, Health and Physical Education, at the University of Southern Queensland. From an early age I have had a passion for sport and physical activity, recognising the important role health and wellbeing plays in leading a satisfying and prosperous life. I am a active person who enjoys many forms of physical activity and spending quality time with my family and friends. I realise the important role information and communication technology (ICT) plays in our lives. From a teaching perspective this has opened up new learning opportunities which can allow students to globally collaborate on projects and learn from one another. I believe ICT's have a positive impact on students, allowing teachers to provide relevant learning experiences which will enable students to become lifelong learners equipped to function capably in society. I looking forward to my journey of developing and integrating ICT's into my teaching to enable me to become a better and more relevant teacher. Cheers, Danielle

Where would we be without Technology?

Over mid semester break I had an assignment due on a Friday. Firstly, who has an assignment due on mid semester break right! Anyway I went to start my computer on the Friday morning to finish off my assignment and as luck would have it my computer came up with a hardware failure and would not start. OMG!

It seems like a convenient excuse I know, but it did happen. I stupidly enough had not saved my work anywhere else and was left to restart my assignment. Thankfully I got my assignment done and handed in the nick of time with six minutes to spare haha.

However, it got me thinking, what if I did not have a laptop or access to another computer, how would I complete my assignment? At university our assignments require electronic submission, so are we just assuming everyone has access to the required ICTs. I know in todays world most people have access to a computer but are we disadvantaging those who might not have free access?

That will a challenge in the classroom with different schools and different students having access to different types of technologies…  we will need to ensure our learning experiences are specific to the ICTs available to students at school and at home.

ICTs, Assessment and HPE

How can we transform assessment in HPE using ICTs?

Firstly, transforming seeks to fundamentally change student learning, instructional method or curriculum. In a previous post I talked about an application called Coach’s Eye which can transform assessment. This application provides students with instant feedback and allows them to analyse and self-assess performance. However, upon completing this weeks learning path I have begin to realise there is much more I can do with this application to further transform student learning.

Additionally, this application alongside a rubric can allow students to peer assess. Collaboration can increase student learning and also help students understand what is required of them.

Also students could upload their videos and analysis (the application allows students to make comments and draw on video recordings) to a classroom blog or even YouTube to enable students to share their learning and collaborate with others, including experts. Additionally, teachers are able to use this footage and analyse to contribute to assessment of students practical performance. It will provide insight into students performance over time, where they have started and how they have improved.

I realise now that it is not ICTs in the classroom that is my focus it is what students and teachers are doing with the ICT. This thought is echoed by fellow blogger Simone who states ICTs should not replace the role of the teacher, it is there to enhance their teaching and ultimately student learning.

Improving Student Learning

Week eight learning path required me to think about…

Am I using ICTs for the sake of it or am I using ICTS to enhance student learning?

The RAT framework identifies three different applications of ICT use: replacement, amplification and transformation. Replacement uses ICTS to replace some prior means, for example using a PowerPoint presentation instead of lecturing the class. Amplification, uses ICTs to increase the efficiency, for example asking students to use ICT to gather and record information. Transform entails using ICT to transform some aspect of student learning, instruction or curriculum. The above example in the amplification category could be expended to require students to share and collaborate their findings on a class blog or with another class around the world doing a similar topic. My fellow blogger Tamara uses the RAT framework to assess one of her learning experiences. I have found this framework is useful as it has assisted me in evaluating my learning experiences and to ensure my implementation of ICTs is not superficial.

Is handwriting, the old pen and paper method an outdated learning experience

During week 5 learning experience I came across a statement that got me thinking:

“Technology is change the experiences we have and this may change the the content or knowledge that we need”.

The article goes on to provide an example of a year 2 maths lesson which teaches students how to count change. But it asks how often do we actually use change? I work in a retail store and the vast majority of our customers pay by eftpos. This is a clear example of how technology has changed out practices and how teaching needs to reflect  changing experiences.

This got me thinking … is teaching students to handwrite, the old faithful pen and paper, that important any more. I know being able to write is an important social function but I mean how often do we actually write with pen and paper. I record my lectures notes by annotating the PDF lecture slides. Most students in the classes I have taught on practical experience use their computer to takes notes. I was astounded by the amount of students who do not even bring a pen to school.

Is handwriting an outdated learning experience?

Similarly, Alice in her blog talks about getting rid of handwritten maths tests as with online tests available she thinks they are outdated. I know this would save in marking time as the technology is able to automatically generate the results so I can see how it would be beneficial for the teacher.

I am interested in hearing your thoughts.

Transforming Assessment and Feedback

While completing assignment one I came across an awesome application called Coaches Eye. This is a video analysis application which allows teachers or other students to record their performance and review performance instantly. Schon in his blog notes how this application could allow students to compare their technique against a pre-recored correct technique.  Traditionally feedback in HPE was the teacher providing verbal feedback on performance. This  application is transformative as it adds another element to feedback allowing students to visually see their performance. In addition, they are able to self-assess, allowing students to become active participants in the learning process as they critique, assess and take responsibility for their own performance (O’Loughlin, Chronini & O’Grady, 2013). Similarly, Jaime in her blog highlights how Coaches Eye increases student engagement.

Watch the below video to see how high school teacher Paul Barrett incorporates this application into his HPE classes.

I am very keen to try this one out!

Enhacing student learning in HPE

It is said, it is not the technology you use but how you use the technology that enhances student learning. Today I am going to review two applications to highlight how it can enhance student learning in health and physical education.

Firstly, Cardiograph, an application which measures you heart rate. This is particularly useful when students are exercising as it allows them to know how fast their heart is beating. Secondly, Virtual Heart, another application provides an interactive of the heart at different heart rates. This technology allows students to explore the heart in ways not possible in the real world. For further information on its benefits watch this video here.

These health tracking applications allow students to track, monitor and analyse their physical performance thus personalising health information, serving to increase authenticity and engagement, both factors which influence student achievement.

Another resource, Jaime and Schon highlight in their blogs is the application Coaches Eye, which allows students to visually see there performance and self-assess, thus transforming feedback and assessment.

I am looking forward to trying these out.

Assignment 1- HPE and ICTs, it was meant to be


Image from Pixabay
Creative Commons Deed CC0

The time has come for me to submit my first assignment. Whilst I am nervous, especially to have my work displayed on a public forum, I am ecstatic to have completed it. Now that it is completed, I am going to go out and party like its 1999.

I choose to base my assignment on a Year 9 HPE class. I utilised WIX, a website creator to highlight my three main reasons for using ICTs in HPE. Be sure to check it out.

Just to be certain here is the websites URL: http://u1029296.wix.com/icts-and-hpe

I hope you enjoy.. I’m off to celebrate.

Technology has Robbed me of my Speeling… or it is spelling ability

For assignment one I decided to use a website (WIX) to state my three reasons for using ICTs in technology. I wrote about 800 words which are on various pages. To my dismay, I soon realised the WIX does not have an automatic spell check. I, who would consider myself not to be a very confident speller decided to paste all my information into a word document in order to check my spelling. Luckily I did, as I had numerous spelling mistakes. This process whilst annoying allowed me to identify words that I commonly spell wrong but was not previously aware of due to most technological devices automatically correcting my mistakes.

This reliance on technology has reduced my ability to spell words and to identify words that I commonly spell wrong. This is an example Postman’s 5 things you need to know at technology change. His first point is technology is always a trade-off, where for every advantage a new technology may give you, this is also a corresponding disadvantage. In this examples, technology minimises my poor spelling ability, reducing my time spent on looking up a dictionary (or use Google) on how to spell works and helping to identify and rectify errors. However, it has also reduced my ability to spell words without the aid of technology as well as my ability to identify and rectify common incorrectly spelt words. Similarly, Schon, in his blog talks about his reduced spelling ability on written tasks.

It’s how you use it that counts

Technology Tools for Educators logo by jennip98, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  jennip98 

When researching information for assignment one I came across a copy of ACHPER HPE Conference 2014. Whilst there were several key speakers and many important points one speaker really stood out to me. Jarrod Robinson, also know as PE Geek, gave a talk called “Making Technology your Best Friend in the Classroom”. He is a Victorian high school HPE teacher. Jarrod has an awesome website for items about technology integration in HPE, check it out here. Anyway, in his speech he highlighted that there is an array of technological tools that can be used in HPE. Here is a link to a list them.

However, what he stressed  is that just incorporating technology does not make the lesson better. He mentioned an on-going trend of teachers who use many applications, so widely available, but who do not actually think through the purpose of using the selected technology. He believes we need to ask ourselves these questions…

What is the benefit this resource?

How does it make the learning experience better? 

He points out that it is not the technology that you are using that will enhance the learning, it is HOW you use the technology that makes a difference. This echoes similar sediments that we have heard in the course. I know myself since starting this course I have been so excited about the many apps out there for HPE,  I thought sweet I can  use these in my classes, its technology its got to be good… right. WRONG! Similarly, Deanna, in her blog post talks about how you can get caught up with the bells and whistles of technology, that you can loss focus of what you want to achieve in the lesson. In future, before incorporating technology into my lesson I really need to consider: how does this ICT strategy help to enhance learning and assist in reaching my lesson objects. Only then, after assessing these factors will I consider using them in my lesson plans.

Unknowingly Breaking the Law… You May be Too


Have you ever used an image from Google or shared a video on meme on your Facebook… Did you know that you are probably breaking the law?

Until today I had no idea that the pictures I have been posting with every one of my blogs was breaking copyright laws. I blindly believed that because the images came up on my Google search, they were in the public sphere and were able to be used. WRONG! It appears I am not alone, Daniel in his blog talks of breaking the ;law by using a picture of the New York skyline in his blog. You cannot just reuse images, music or other resources found on the internet. A video explaining these laws can be found here. As Britt highlights in her blog there are some provisions which can be found here. As I am a student I have some lead way, as it can be argued I was using them to enhance my studies, which I am; however, the AITSL Professional Teacher Standards 4.5 highlights the need for teachers to use ICTs safely, responsible and ethically, I need to know how to legally use images, photos etc. Especially as the Australian Curriculum ICT general capability requires students “ have the knowledge, skills and confidence to make ICT work for them at school, work and in their communities”. I need to know , understand and be able to apply these requirements before I can ask my students to.

I am off find and source my pictures for assignment one. Wish me luck, I need it.