It’s been challenging but fun

I have to admit at the start of this course I was daunted by the amount of work required. For someone who hadn’t really use ICTs to their full potential I found the start of the course an information overload. However, just like Jesse in his blog, looking back now I do see the benefits of this course.

Previously, I thought that ICT integration was using a PowerPoint and getting students to research on the net and yes while this is part of it, it is so much more. I really appreciate the RAT framework. It has gotten me to question the use of ICTs in the classroom and aim to integrate ICTs that Amplify and Transform learning. This is one of the key learnings I will take away from the course. I realise now it’s not about the technology you use it’s about how you use the technology. Its been a pleasure writing this blog and my hope for the future is to keep improving and building upon my ICT knowledge and use in the classroom.

Until next time.


After each lesson taught we were supposed to reflect on our lesson. At the start of prac I did this however, towards the end I barely did. I know the benefits of reflecting however this was not something I made time for. I am not really sure why. I agree that teachers need to continually reflect to improve practice.

However, I did think about the lesson in my head and come up with ways to improve the lesson I just didn’t physically write a reflection most of the time. Now when it comes to writing my reflection for AS3 I’ve forgotten most of my important points. In future I will be sure to consistently reflect on my lesson, even if its only a few dot points at the start and then going back and writing a more in depth reflection when I have more time.

Done and Dusted

I’ve finally finished prac placement. I just have assignment 3 left to hand in as I was given an extension. There was a lot I learnt on prac particularly with ICTs. My two key learning’s areL

1) Your best laid plans don’t always work out. I had a lesson that relied heavily on ICTs only to find out at the start of the lesson that the internet connection wasn’t working or was really slow. Therefore I was unable to use it. I was in a panic as I did not have a back up plan.

2) Some teachers do not like using ICTs. It is hard when your mentor isn’t a fan of using ICTs. Therefore, much of my ICT integration was at the Replacement level of the RAT framework. However, I am aware of this and will seek on my next placement to use ICTs that Amplify and Transform learning.