This week learning path introduced the CLEM Framework.

C = Community

Many ICTs utilised in teaching and learning have communities of people using the same ICT. These communities can provide knowledge, resources and strategies to use the ICT effectively.

L = Literature

Many ICTs utilised in teaching and learning have been subjected to academic research. This can provide useful information on the ICT, detailing what works and common issues surround the use of a particular ICT.

E = Examples

Examples of similar use of ICTs can provide inspiration for lessons. These examples can allow you to analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of their ICT example.

M = Models

All ICTs are designed with a particular model embedded into the ICT. Understanding this model and the theory behind it can ensure integration of ICTs is simpler and effective.

Both Jaime and Hayden provide further insight into this framework in their blog posts, be sure to check it out.

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