ICTs, Assessment and HPE

How can we transform assessment in HPE using ICTs?

Firstly, transforming seeks to fundamentally change student learning, instructional method or curriculum. In a previous post I talked about an application called Coach’s Eye which can transform assessment. This application provides students with instant feedback and allows them to analyse and self-assess performance. However, upon completing this weeks learning path I have begin to realise there is much more I can do with this application to further transform student learning.

Additionally, this application alongside a rubric can allow students to peer assess. Collaboration can increase student learning and also help students understand what is required of them.

Also students could upload their videos and analysis (the application allows students to make comments and draw on video recordings) to a classroom blog or even YouTube to enable students to share their learning and collaborate with others, including experts. Additionally, teachers are able to use this footage and analyse to contribute to assessment of students practical performance. It will provide insight into students performance over time, where they have started and how they have improved.

I realise now that it is not ICTs in the classroom that is my focus it is what students and teachers are doing with the ICT. This thought is echoed by fellow blogger Simone who states ICTs should not replace the role of the teacher, it is there to enhance their teaching and ultimately student learning.

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