Transforming Assessment and Feedback

While completing assignment one I came across an awesome application called Coaches Eye. This is a video analysis application which allows teachers or other students to record their performance and review performance instantly. Schon in his blog notes how this application could allow students to compare their technique against a pre-recored correct technique.  Traditionally feedback in HPE was the teacher providing verbal feedback on performance. This  application is transformative as it adds another element to feedback allowing students to visually see their performance. In addition, they are able to self-assess, allowing students to become active participants in the learning process as they critique, assess and take responsibility for their own performance (O’Loughlin, Chronini & O’Grady, 2013). Similarly, Jaime in her blog highlights how Coaches Eye increases student engagement.

Watch the below video to see how high school teacher Paul Barrett incorporates this application into his HPE classes.

I am very keen to try this one out!

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