Enhacing student learning in HPE

It is said, it is not the technology you use but how you use the technology that enhances student learning. Today I am going to review two applications to highlight how it can enhance student learning in health and physical education.

Firstly, Cardiograph, an application which measures you heart rate. This is particularly useful when students are exercising as it allows them to know how fast their heart is beating. Secondly, Virtual Heart, another application provides an interactive of the heart at different heart rates. This technology allows students to explore the heart in ways not possible in the real world. For further information on its benefits watch this video here.

These health tracking applications allow students to track, monitor and analyse their physical performance thus personalising health information, serving to increase authenticity and engagement, both factors which influence student achievement.

Another resource, Jaime and Schon highlight in their blogs is the application Coaches Eye, which allows students to visually see there performance and self-assess, thus transforming feedback and assessment.

I am looking forward to trying these out.

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