Unknowingly Breaking the Law… You May be Too


Have you ever used an image from Google or shared a video on meme on your Facebook… Did you know that you are probably breaking the law?

Until today I had no idea that the pictures I have been posting with every one of my blogs was breaking copyright laws. I blindly believed that because the images came up on my Google search, they were in the public sphere and were able to be used. WRONG! It appears I am not alone, Daniel in his blog talks of breaking the ;law by using a picture of the New York skyline in his blog. You cannot just reuse images, music or other resources found on the internet. A video explaining these laws can be found here. As Britt highlights in her blog there are some provisions which can be found here. As I am a student I have some lead way, as it can be argued I was using them to enhance my studies, which I am; however, the AITSL Professional Teacher Standards 4.5 highlights the need for teachers to use ICTs safely, responsible and ethically, I need to know how to legally use images, photos etc. Especially as the Australian Curriculum ICT general capability requires students “ have the knowledge, skills and confidence to make ICT work for them at school, work and in their communities”. I need to know , understand and be able to apply these requirements before I can ask my students to.

I am off find and source my pictures for assignment one. Wish me luck, I need it.

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