Is Gaming the Way?


                      Could using games in the classroom enhance student learning?

Today for on of my university courses I was asked to play a computer game called DragonBox. I couldn’t believe my luck, this didn’t feel like learning but in fact it was could be utilised to enhance my mathematics (Algebra) skills. I spent a while absorbed into this game, like many of our students do with their games on their IPhones or Xbox or PlayStation. On one of my previous practicum placements one of my professional development lessons talked about how students spend copious amounts of hours on these games but we, as educators often struggle to keep students engaged/applied for a 70 minute lesson. Could gaming can answer to helping students stay engaged and motivated in the classroom?

This blog by a primary teacher highlights how he utilised the very popular game, Angry Birds in the classroom to teach students about Anger Management.
Jaime, in her blog highlights that there is a common teacher perception to see games as a distraction to learning. I admit I was apprehensive at the start, However I research and trialled games and now I am from the viewpoint, like Schon, that games can be addictive and engaging and thus can enhance learning outcomes. There are many great educational games out there, I found this website particular useful. This is a new tool which I can add to my toolbelt, I am looking forward to trialling games on my practicum placement!

1 thought on “Is Gaming the Way?

  1. Pingback: Can games ICT games help you in the classroom??? | elmoss2015

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