Does SES status make you a winner or a loser?

"Success" & "Failure" Signposts

This week we have been talking about Postman’s 5 things we need to know about technological change. Many students have shared there understandings of the 5 ideas and offered examples of each category.

Max in his blog when discussing idea 3, technology has winners and losers, uses an example of lower socio-economic level students having difficulty being able to source necessary technology, which could lead to a “winners and losers” mentality where kids with better tech access get better grades. However, I am not entirely sure I agree with this statement. Most schools offer various technological devices and lending schemes and many public libraries offer free computer access… Therefore, I believe those from lower SES status still have access to technological resources. I argue what is most important in the classroom it HOW the teacher makes use of the technology.

What is their strategy for technology and the purpose of its use?

If the teacher cannot use these tools effectively, instead utilising technology to simply transmit information it doesn’t matter how old or how much technology they have access to. Similarly, a U.S study found the role of technology itself is not a catalyst for change, change and reform were a result of teachers pedagogical beliefs, it is how they use the tool that makes the difference.

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