ICTs and HPE I didn’t think this was a possibility

At the beginning of the course the idea of implementing ICTs in the classroom seemed daunting however the idea of integrating ICTs into Health and Physical Education (HPE), particularly the practical side seemed impossible! I am not alone in my view; Schon in his blog post highlighted this as a concern as well. Previously I have implemented what I thought was ICTs in a theoretical lesson, generally every lesson I utilise a PowerPoint presentation with accompanying videos. However, I have come to realise this is a superficial implementation of ICTs. Socol, the inventor of the Toolbelt Theory points out it’s not the implementation of technology that increases student learning it’s how this technology is utilised. A direct teaching approach where I lecture with aid of a PowerPoint is not integrating ICTs. It does not teach students how to use ICTs, analyse tasks or make decisions, all purposes of ICT integration. I have seemingly limited myself by thinking ICTs can only be implemented into a theoretical HPE lesson. Upon researching I discovered some ICTs tools which can be useful for the practical side of HPE. Jarrod Robinson provides a comprehensive lists of ICT integration ideas. Additionally, Schon suggests another website for HPE teachers which I found useful, particular the heat rate applications (something I could have integrated into my last practical placement!). Discovering these ICT tools was quite easy, however utilising them effectively, considering the context and learners is another challenge all together. I am looking forward to testing out some of my new tools on my next practical placement.

1 thought on “ICTs and HPE I didn’t think this was a possibility

  1. Pingback: ICT in HPE | jessica smith

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